Sirene Belek Hotel;
- In the light of its values, it respects people, the environment and the cultural structure in all its activities,
- Accepts acting with the awareness of social responsibility as an invariable part of the management approach,
- Sirene Belek adopts national and international development, protecting the environment and engaging in activities that contribute to the development of society as its main duty,
- Believes that it is necessary to support all activities needed for national and international value addition and sustainable growth,
- Uses universal values such as democracy and human rights as a guide in all business processes,
- Is aware that resources are limited, he uses his resources efficiently.
- Manages all its activities with a sense of responsibility to prevent environmental impacts,
- Believes that human resources are the most important element of business processes,
- Gives importance to a harmonious working environment and activities that support cooperation by respecting beliefs, thoughts and different opinions.
- Aims to contribute to the success of its employees with a fair reward and performance system, and works to provide a working environment that is compatible with its ethical values and strategic goals.
- Organizes continuous trainings in order to increase employee awareness in order to integrate the sustainability approach with the corporate culture.
- Aims to spread sustainability to the supply chain by purchasing environmentally friendly products and services,
- Acts fairly, honestly and impartially in supplier selection,
Sustainability Report